天行,相识虽浅 似是经年

慧聪教育网 2019-11-15 11:12 来源:互联网



Dear Teensen No.1middle school Hello! I am a student who entered the school in 2019. I always want to say to you: I am very happy to meet you.

天行,相识虽浅 似是经年



How time flies!We have passed through several months unconsciously from meeting. Along the way,although there is some hard process,it is full of surprises.

2018.11.15——我们第 一次相遇


It was the first time I had a choice to understand Teensen No.1 middle school. The teachers were familiar with each other,and all classmates were full of sunshine and energy,all of which were showing the charm of this big family in Teensen No.1 middle school. I will gradually get to know you through a lively speech. It sounds like you are excellent and very different. I feel that I want to join you.

2018.12.15——我们第 一次相知


This day,for me,is a special day. This is the second open day in Teensen No.1 middle school,I found that I know you better,my good friend. I still remember that day when the sun was shining and the temperature was gradually rising. I came to Teensen No.1 Middle School for the second time,and I heard your story agAIn. This time,your impression in my brAIn is more real and closer to me.


Then,I took the exam with tension and excitement. This is my first time to take the English test. I am curious,but I dare not slack off. Looking at several papers and the dense English letters arranged on them,it's really hard to describe the feeling of being familiar and unfamiliar.

天行,相识虽浅 似是经年




It was an exciting day,though a little intimidating. I am a very quite person. For the new school,new environment,new classmates and teachers,I think I am a bit out of place. I thought that I would not adapt to the study and life here,but I didn't expect that after getting along with you,my dear friends and my kind and lovely teachers and students,and of course,you - my dear friends,have gradually become familiar with each other. For the first time,I began to integrate into the group. I felt a kind feeling that I had never felt before. The students were very friendly. The elders would greet you warmly,while the teachers were like confidants who talked about everything.

天行,相识虽浅 似是经年

天行,相识虽浅 似是经年



Time flies,time flies,I have spent a semester with you hand in hand. Chuang Tzu once sAId: "between the heaven and earth of life,if a fleeting gap,suddenly just." However,in this short and "sudden" months,I not only know you better,but also learn to make myself better. In the final exam of this semester,I have achieved my small goal of life - to enter the cambridge oxford class. Every day to complete the learning task,appropriate rest and relaxation,I realized what is enrichment. The teachers' careful teaching and patient answering after class in Teensen No.1 middle school also gave me a deep feeling,which made me understand that no pAIns,no gAIns.

天行,相识虽浅 似是经年



When I knew the result of entering the cambridge oxford class,I was ecstatic,but also extremely calm. I like the sentence,"the story is still long,please don't be disappointed." Yes,dear Teensen No.1 middle school,the story between me and you is just beginning.

天行,相识虽浅 似是经年

天行,相识虽浅 似是经年

天行,相识虽浅 似是经年



Looking back on my meeting with you,although the time is not very long,I enjoy and cherish the time to be a good friend with you. I will continue to refuel to realize my dream,and will continue to work hard to match your excellence. You are the ideal of the world; you are the dawn of the world.Please take good care of me in the future!










天行,相识虽浅 似是经年

天行,相识虽浅 似是经年

天行,相识虽浅 似是经年

天行,相识虽浅 似是经年

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