天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首 次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛

慧聪教育网 2020-01-06 12:04 来源:互联网


On December 27,National Economics Challenge(NEC) announced the list of the finalists who can take part in the national competition,and two teams from Teensen successfully qualified for NEC China.

天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛

天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛



Two teams from our school participated in the NEC competition,which include one led by Lucas,Robin,Hetty and Cara,and the other led by Luna,Servena,Arana and Lizzy. There were 109 teams from central China participating in the NEC competition and lots of excellent people gathered in the fierce national promotion competition. What’s more,Wuhan BritAIn-China School which cultivated national champions in NEC also built several teams to join it.

天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛

天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛


虽然我校队伍是首 次参加NEC比赛,但是同学们的学习热情都很高,勇于迎接挑战,迅速投入到高强度的学习与备战工作中。指导老师曾文芝说到:“同学们在备赛的过程中受益良多,执行力和学习力都得到了质的飞跃,以小组为单位相互协作,对团队合作精神有了深刻地领悟。”

Although it was the first time for our teams to join NEC,the students showed great enthusiasm for learning,were brave to meet challenges and quickly devoted themselves to the intensive study and preparation. The instructor Zeng Wenzhi sAId,“The students benefited a lot from the preparation. Their executive and learning ability improved greatly and they had a profound understanding of teamwork spirit through the cooperation with each others in groups.


Our students are about to start preparing for the national competition agAIn and we wish they can gAIn good results.

天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛


全美经济学挑战(NationalEconomicsChallenge)是美国极 具影响力的高中生经济学竞赛。经过19年的发展与积累,每年有超过15,000名学生受邀参与,赛事及参赛选手得到了华尔街知名金融机构,全球顶 尖大学的广泛支持和认可。NEC旨在激发学生对经济学知识的兴趣、培养解决问题的能力、建立审辩性思维习惯,是高中经济学子一年一度的学术盛会,亦是未来政商财经界精英的摇篮。

National Economics Challenge is the most influential economics competition for high school students. After 19 years of development and accumulation,more than 15000 students are invited to join the competition every year. The competition and candidates are widely supported and recognized by famous financial institutions in Wall Street and the world’s top universities. NEC AIms to arouse students’ interest in economics,cultivate their ability to solve problems and establish the habit of critical thinking. It is an annual academic event and the cradle for future elites from politics,business and financial circles.

天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛

NEC比赛受到美国学术界、金融界及商业界的广泛认可,2016年,超过20%的决赛选手被哈佛、斯坦福、耶鲁等世界超一 流名校录取。

The NEC competition is widely recognized by the US academic,financial and business circles. In 2016,more than 20 percent of the finalists were admitted to Harvard,Stanford,Yale and other world-class universities.









天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛

天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛

天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛

天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛

天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛

天行一中用实力证明实力|八名学子首  次参加成功晋级NEC全国赛
