
慧聪教育网 2020-04-28 10:57 来源:互联网














It has always been a problem for parents to choose the right school for their children. Since it comes to school selection,we should fully understand various choices,whether to let children go to international schools and then study abroad in the future,or to let children go to ordinary schools to receive examination-oriented education. Many parents find it difficult to make a choice. At this time,it is the best to return to the root of the problem and ask yourself why international school is a must-do choice.


The real ideal education is not what kind of achievements children have made,but in the process of education,children grow up with a sound personality,healthy body and mind. What really stimulates his internal motivation and potential serves as to acquire the knowledge,ability and accomplishment suitable for the modern development during his personality development.


Different from other high schools,the international high school implement the non-trace moral education,a process of moistening things silently,which could quietly penetrate into any teaching activities or even dAIly life. New students every year will participate in the international leader forging camp before entering school. It will let the children feel more about the leader's sacrifice and be aware of the valuable spirit which is willing to pay and sacrifice for others in Oxford and Cambridge. It lays a crucial and solid foundation for their future success in life.


In terms of employment,according to Boss Zhipin,the relative income of the returnee is higher and the salary advantages are obvious compared with the same age fresh graduates.In 2017,the average salary of overseas returnees was 17.2% higher than that of domestic students with the same degree. In terms of the proportion of high-pAId people,returnees have a more significant advantage. In 2017,26.3% of overseas returnees earned more than 10000 yuan for their first job in China after graduation,two times higher than the local students,and 4.2% of overseas students earned more than 20000 yuan for their first job,three times higher than the domestic proportion.



Therefore,the vast majority of returnees recognize the value of studying abroad,and they still have advantages in terms of salary and promotion. However,whether to study abroad or not,cost-effectiveness is only a consideration,we should consider the personality of children as well as the family planning.



From the perspective of enrollment rate,the risk in the system is greater. Even if the child is admitted to a key high school,he/she may only be admitted to the first or second tier universities. And what about other children who could only enter ordinary high school?


Recently,Department of Education has announced that 2020 National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) is postponed for a month due to COVID-19. There are 10.71 million candidates this year,an increase of 400,000 compared with 10.31 million in 2019. NCEE is a turning point in our life. It is sAId that only through the unique bridge of NCEE can we move smoothly to the higher institutions of knowledge. It is also reflected that the exam-oriented education in China has put too much burden on students. Chinese students are often overwhelmed by the pressure of their schoolwork. Cramming teaching is not suitable for the growth of some children in essence. But because of the background,we have no way to change the current situation,but we can change our future,which is in our hands.


Looking back on our high school days,does everyone want to enter an excellent high school? Since a good high school means that we can get closer to our dream university. On the other hand,high school is just the beginning of the next stage,it is not the end.


Does everyone want to be admitted to the Project 985 or 211 universities in our country? Since a good university means excellent teachers,great teaching resources and beautiful campus. Only in this way,we are likely to have a favorable life.




In 2019,there were 10.3 million candidates for NCEE. According to the enrollment rate last year,only 6% of candidates were admitted to the first tier universities. That is to say,no matter what kind of the first tier university was,the candidate was the elite,1 out of 16. The admission rate of 211 project universities was 2.41%,and the candidate was the super elite of 1 out of 40. The rate of 985 Project universities was only 0.79%,thus the candidates have defeated 99% of its peers. And that of Tsinghua University and Peking University was as low as 0.03%. The candidates of the top 2 universities in China are the most favored.



Jiangxi Province possesses beautiful scenery and outstanding people,as well as a large number of talented people since ancient times. There are 10,495 Jìnshì(a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations) from Jiangxi,accounting for 10.99% in the whole country,and 41 Number One Scholars (title conferred on the one who came first in the highest imperial examination). Numerous masters of literature,art,history,science and technology are like stars shining and dazzling in summer night,such as Tao Yuanming,Ouyang Xiu,Wang Anshi,Yan Shu,Huang Tingjian,Yang Wanli,Wen Tianxiang,Tang Xianzu,Chen Yinke,Fu Baoshi and so on. Countless cultural giants support half of China's excellent traditional culture one after another.


However,the real resources for Jiangxi students to enter the university are very scarce at present. Opportunities are few,so it may take us several times as much energy in Jiangxi to compete with the students from Beijing,ShanghAI and Guangzhou. The fact is that we have many children who study hard,but why the admission rate of key universities in Jiangxi is still low?


Let’s have a look at another piece of date. In 2019,there were 421,000 NCEE candidates in Jiangxi,ranking 10th nationwide,with the admission rate of 10.4% for the first tier university,6.46% for 211 Project university,1.55% for 985 Project university,and about 0.05% for Tsinghua University and Peking University. Therefore,the NCEE is fiercely competitive among Jiangxi students




The motto of Tsinghua University is Self-Discipline and Social Commitment,and that of Peking University is Freedom of thought and all inclusive. They are the soul of the two universities,and are remembered by generations. The motto is shining and inspiring all teachers and students,and even the whole nation.


As an international school,Teensen also has its own soul. Teensen adheres to the goal of running a first-class international school in China,and cultivates students with five characteristics,ABCDE (A for ambitious,B for bold,C for caring,D for devoted,and E for erudite).


As Teensen adopts small-class teaching with the ratio of teachers and students 1:4,no more than 20 students in a class. Teachers could pay attention to the changes of each student in time,and feedback and communicate with parents every day. Once it is found that the students do not keep up with the class,the teacher will give one-to-one guidance. In Teensen,we take the class as the mAIn part and office time as the auxiliary,in order to help students solve the questions. For students with weak foundation,we consolidate the foundation. And for students with good foundation,we improve the difficulty. We try the best way to achieve personalized learning.


At the same time,each student has its own curriculum,which can give full play to his learning advantages. Many students tend to go overboard on one or some subjects in junior school. In international education,it is not a bad thing sometimes. Many of us know the barrel principle. However,there is actually an opposite theory,long board effect. How much water can a barrel hold is entirely determined by the short board? Not necessarily! Sometimes,it is better to develop your advantages. The concept of international education is to maximize one’s talents in a reasonable way and arrange the courses with personal preferences. Therefore,whether you like science or liberal arts,you can find a course that you like and suitable for in Teensen. Finally,you will get a good academic performance and manage to famous universities in the world.


According to the current admission data in Teensen,students who are able to be admitted by the first tier universities in the university entrance exam can basically be admitted by top 50 universities in the world through three years of study in Teensen. (According to 2020 U.S.News,Tsinghua University ranks 36 and Peking University ranks 59.) Students who are able to be admitted by the second tier universities in the university entrance exam can basically be admitted by top 100 universities in the world through three years of study in Teensen. (According to 2020 U.S.News,Fudan University ranks 171.)



In such a special period,it is a rare time for parents to calm down and think carefully. School selection is a two-way choice. When we go back to the essence of education,it is actually the simple sentence,to let every child become a better self,isn’t it?





















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