
慧聪教育网 2020-06-15 17:02 来源:网络

【慧聪教育网】截至今日,天行2020届学生共收到97份预录取通知书(含9份直录)。其中英国48份,澳大利亚31份,新西兰5份,美国6份,加拿大3份,马来西亚1份,香港2份。其中包含牛津大学数学系面试邀请1份,帝国理工学院2份,伦敦大学学院 3份,多伦多大学1份,香港大学1份(免面试)。


The students who are preparing for the entrance examination for the senior high school have only 32 days left. They will face a major leap forward in their growth. Parents are also facing unprecedented challenges and pressures. How to choose a school has become a major problem for many families. At 2:30 in the afternoon,the multi-channel college education exhibition hosted by New Oriental opened grandly in Wanda Realm Hotel.Teensen Genesis School has participated in this education exhibition as a specially invited school.




We value the education of our children as much as our parents. More than an hour before the meeting,we came to the scene early. The consulting area of Teensen was surrounded by parents. Parents carefully read the enrollment guide,inquired about the situation of the school,and conducted a close and in-depth understanding of the school. Teachers with many years of international education experience enthusiastically explAIned the problems of school selection for the parents.


会上,作为第一所分享的学校,陶娟娟 Vivian副校长通过“10个一”向在座的嘉宾介绍了天行创世纪学校,分别是江西引进A-Level课程的学校;江西同时获得牛津、剑桥大学面试邀请的学校;江西CEM体系的学校,为学生量身定制三年规划,全程跟踪;江西获得A-Level数学全球高分、全球剑桥卓越学子奖的学校;江西学生100%进入世界前100大学的学校;江西获得伦敦艺术大学offer的学校;江西自编A-Level校本教材的学校;江西具有office time的学校;江西省内多项竞赛首获第一的学校;江西省内与唯寻国际教育、新东方达成唯一战略伙伴的学校。也正是基于此,天行取得了令人瞩目的办学成果,2019届学生100%被世界前100位名校录取,2020届学生100%被世界前60位名校预录取。

At the meeting,as the first school to share,Vice President Tao Juanjuan,Vivian introduced Teensen Genesis School to the guests through "Ten First",which were the first school in Jiangxi to introduce A-Level courses; the first school got the offers for both interviews at Oxford and Cambridge University; Jiangxi’s first school with a unique CEM system,tAIlored a three-year plan and full tracking for the students; Jiangxi’s first school to receive the world’s highest score in A-Level mathematics and the Global Cambridge Excellence Award; Jiangxi’s first school whose 100% of the students enter the world’s top 100 universities; Jiangxi’s first school to receive the offer of London University of the Arts; Jiangxi’s first school who self-edited A-Level school-based textbooks; Jiangxi’s first school with office time to students; the first school who won first prizes in many competitions in Jiangxi; the first school in Jiangxi Province that has reached the only strategic partner with Wei Xun International Education and the New Oriental trAIning school. Based on this,Teesen has achieved remarkable results in running a school. In 2019,100% of the students were admitted to the top 100 prestigious schools in the world,and in 2020,100% of the students were pre-admitted to the top 60 prestigious schools in the world.



Afterwards,the student union chAIrman Le KAIxin,Cathy,talked about her learning experience in Teesen and introduced the A-Level courses,private customized study plan,vocational group,apprenticeship,competition,research,and so on. And this will also be the epitome of the future of every child in Teensen.



Today's biggest bonus belongs to the introduction of the student union brought by the student union chAIrman Lin Shen,Richard and Le KAIxin,Cathy. The purpose of Teensen Student Union is to serve students,provide students with colorful activities,and make high school life more exciting. These students of the student union have got trAIned their leadership,communication,organization,writing,design skills and so on from the campAIgn to the preparation of the activity plan,as well as from the pulling sponsorship to designing posters. Thus,they have experienced a pure international school life.



In this college education exhibition,the team of teachers of Teensen explAIned to the parents patiently throughout the process,analyzing the situations of the children with the parents,discussing the growth of the children,and putting forward some constructive opinions and suggestions to the parents. The parents gave us full recognition and affirmation.


Teensen is committed to building an international school with high quality in Jiangxi Province. If you want your children to receive true holistic education,feel a strong learning atmosphere,and walk with the excellent,become excellent,you are welcomed to Teensen on the campus reception day on June 21.

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